Church Membership
At Hayling Island Baptist Church, everyone is welcome to come and be a part of our community life.
In order for the church to run effectively we encourage formal church membership. This is open to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and wants to partner in the work we do both within the church and the wider community.
Our membership is based on the idea of 'covenant.' It's an idea that comes from the Ancient Near East, where a covenant was a binding agreement in which covenant members had certain obligations to one another, and could expect certain benefits in return.
What makes a covenant different from a simple binding agreement is that covenant implies meaningful relationship.
For example, God covenanted with Noah, with Abram, with the people of Israel at Mt Sinai, and eventually brought about a new covenant available to all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. In the scriptures covenant meant an agreement that lasted for life.
At HIBC we are attempting to use this meaningful term while recognising that membership at a local church is often not for life. This is one reason why we occasionally ask members to renew their covenant to God and one another.
Any follower of Jesus Christ is invited to become a member of HIBC. In covenanting with us, you both agree to adopt our vision and values, and to serve alongside us within the the church and local community.
Church Membership is open to those who:
accept the beliefs of the Church;
meet the Church’s qualification on Baptism;
commit themselves to serving Christ within the Church and beyond;
abide by the decisions of the Church Members’ Meeting;
acknowledge their responsibilities as Church Members;
have their membership application accepted by the Church Members’ Meeting.
The responsibilities of membership of HIBC includes:
attending worship and participating in church activities;
personal prayer and Bible study;
participation at the Communion of the Lord's Supper as a privilege and a priority;
helping the church whenever possible by using gifts and abilities to advance the purposes of the church through its activities;
attending and participating in Church Members' Meetings;
giving regular financial support to the church in proportion to personal resources and circumstances;
upholding Christian values.