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As a church prayer is an integral part of our church life, within our services and individually, as it is the way that we can talk and listen to God. In Jeremiah 33 v 3 God tells Jeremiah to call to Him and that He would answer him. Therefore, we can call and listen to God for guidance, teaching and to be in His presence. 


We have open intercessory prayer in our service on a Sunday as part of our worship to God. In Philippians 4 v 6 we are encouraged through prayer to bring our requests to God. We, therefore, pray for the world, our nation, our community, families, and church family. By praying together, it can build our faith and unify our thinking. It also pleases God. 


Prayer also allows us to come alongside others and pray for one another. If you want some support with praying for an area in your life, or you may be new to prayer and want to understand it more then we can offer help.  Our church leaders can help you to start praying, if that is what you would like, and will also confidentially pray with you and encourage you to listen to God. 


If you have a prayer request, there is a glass jar on the welcome table on a Sunday where you put any written prayer requests or alternatively, email us  at to contact us for support through prayer.  

Once a month there is a 'Prayer and Pizza' evening held at the manse on a Sunday night at 6pm. For the first hour we pray about various topics and afterwards share in a pizza and chat. Check out the Whats On page for the dates of the 'prayer and pizza' nights coming up. You would be most welcome. 

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